健闘を称えて・金鹿の学級 Commendable Effort (Golden Deer)
エーデルガルト: 流石はクロードね。貴方の策には、してやられたわ。
Edelgard: Well done, Claude. I see your schemes are not to be underestimated.
ディミトリ: ああ、まったくだ。相変わらず、お前には敵わないな。
Dimitri: Yes, I must wholeheartedly agree. As ever, I have proven to be no match for you.
クロード: お褒めに与り光栄の至り……なんてな。ま、こっちには先生もいた。
Claude: It is the utmost honor to receive praise from your royal― I'm kidding, of course. Really, though, I was lucky to have Teach on my side.
In all honesty, you two made me work for it. If I had to face you again, there's no telling which way it would go.
What do you think, Teach? How did the other houses fare?
Choice 1: 青獅子の学級が強かった The Blue Lion House was very strong.
ディミトリ: ありがとう。今後も修練に励まなければな。
Dimitri: I appreciate that. Still, it is clear that I must continue to be rigorous in my training.
Choice 2: 黒鷲の学級が強かった The Black Eagle House was very strong.
エーデルガルト: 勝者の余裕ね。もし次があれば、そんな顔はさせないわ。
Edelgard: Not strong enough, clearly. If there's ever a next time, know that I plan to wipe that smile from your face.
Choice 3: 余裕だった They were nothing.
クロード: ま、そういうことにしとくか。そのほうが負けた側も悔しいだろうしな。
Claude: Too true, Teach! That just about sums it up. Oh, I'm sorry. That's probably too hard for the losers to hear, isn't it?
クロード: ともかく、俺はこの戦いの経験が活かされる日が来ないよう願うばかりだよ。
Claude: In any case, I hope the day never comes when we have to put this experience to use.
ディミトリ: まったくだ。お前たちと剣を交える未来は、勘弁願いたいからな。
Dimitri: Agreed. I would hate to know a future in which I'm forced to cross swords with you.
エーデルガルト: 私は構わないわ。いつでも受けて立つ……なんて、冗談よ。
Edelgard: I wouldn't mind. I'll accept a challenge from either of you at any time. Heh, I'm kidding, of course!
クロード: さて、こうして三つ巴の戦いは同盟の勝利に終わったわけで、戦後の講和のお時間だ。
Claude: Well, now that the three-way battle has ended in an Alliance victory, I daresay it's time for some post-battle reconciliation.
The victor has but one request. Hear me out...
When we get back to Garreg Mach, let's have a grand feast to bring down the walls between our respective houses.
And by a "grand" feast, I mean a fairly regular feast in the dining hall.
ディミトリ: くっ……全面的に要求を受け容れよう。必要な物資と人員があれば言ってくれ。
Dimitri: Hmph. I accept your proposition. Please notify me once your preparations are complete.
エーデルガルト: ええ、負けた以上、呑むしかないわね。こちらも手配を……
Edelgard: It seems I have no choice but to drown my sorrow at losing in overindulgence. I'll help you with the preparations.
クロード: あっはっは! そりゃ、宴じゃ飲むしかないよな。流石は皇女様、上手いことを仰る。
Claude: It's not a feast if you don't eat too much! Leave it to the Imperial princess to say such wonderful things.
エーデルガルト: なっ……そういうつもりで言ったのでは……ああもう、好きに笑いなさい。
Edelgard: That's not exactly what I said, but... Ugh, forget it. Laugh all you want.
クロード: お言葉に甘えて。あっはっはっは!先生も随分と楽しそうに笑うじゃないか!
そんな顔をされちゃあ、宴も張り切るしかないな! さあ、帰ろう!
Claude: Oh, if you insist! Hahahaha! Hey, Teach. Looks like you're having a good time too.
Seeing you smile like that means we've got no choice but to have a great time tonight. Let's get going!